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About us - HEYDRO

"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."


HEYDRO   was founded in 2020 by a group of engineers, serial entrepreneurs, scientists, tech-enthusiasts and inventors as a free and private think-tank, incubator and engineer`s playground (sandbox) to boost innovation, create breakthrough technologies and most importantly to bring ideas to all people`s daily life!
As a global "ENGINEER`s- & INVENTOR`s CLUB" our main goal is to boost and create future innovation in different fields, while the "Engineer`s spirit" and creativity is not limited or blocked by financial numbers, shareholders interests, corporate strategies, "career-fights" and artificial limited resources. As an "INCUBATOR" we also extract spin-off start-ups out of our potential innovations after prototyping and research phase for worldwide adoption and a positive impact.


Process - How it works

Member Application






Market Evaluaton,


Go-Live or
Open Sourcing

The revival of Engineer`s & Creator`s spirit !

"Engineer" derives from ingeniare ("to create, generate, contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). Since the beginning of mankind, engineers and all great inventors are and had been "the spiritual parents of technical systems" and they created the world we are living in today. With the rising level of corporate structures, stock-systems and financial goals, engineers and inventors became more and more limited "agents" for somebody other corporate goals and shareholders benefits, while often loosing the full value of the invention and slowing down the adoption.
HEYDRO we break these chains to create the room for free invention without limits!

Mission values

Our mission is to boost innovation and to adopt those created values for everybody.
We do not support or work in the areas of defense, military purposes, environmental damage or projects that violate human rights. HEYDRO's mission is to improve people's lives and protect our planet (as simple as it sounds!). We operate in full compliance with laws such as European laws, applicable export control regulations, intellectual property protection and trade laws.

Funding & Investment

HEYDRO is funded by private supporters, Seed-Investors, Crowdfunding and private individuals equity (at a small part by selected Venture Capital).
Investors for
HEYDRO and our spin-offs are chosen wisely and will be intensively validated, to ensure that they fit our values, mission and will not interfere the freedom or creativity of our Engineer`s and Inventors. FREE YOUR MIND! Investment with a Smile :).

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